
1.   Terms of Use

All information provided on our website, shericadventures.com, and taken from our website is taken at your own risk. You are reading our website of your own free will. While we make every effort to be accurate with the information we present, we can’t make representations or warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, or suitability of the activities, adventures, people, places, or attractions that appear on the website.

2.   Copyright Policy

Unless otherwise noted, SHERIC LLC is the legal copyright holder of all material on shericadventures.com and others cannot use it to reprint or publish without written consent. If you like what you see and want to use it, drop us a note and I’m sure we can work something out.

3.   Hold Harmless

All the information provided on our blog is for entertainment purposes only and we are not providing medical, legal, business or any other professional advice. If you decide to try and go where we go or do what we do, remember that you do so at your own risk. The life we lead may not be a good example for you to follow. All we can say is that it works for us, most of the time. You should be the boss of you.

4.   Privacy Statement

We will not sell any of your personal or contact information to another company. We will not put your information on spam lists. We only collect your name and email when you request us to so that we can send you email updates on things we find of interest. You can opt out at any time.

5.   Reserve Rights

We reserve the right to change the focus on our blog, to shut it down, sell it or to change the terms of use at our own discretion. Having our own business is super fun. We are the boss of us.

6.   Advertisers and Sponsors

We are travel writers, bloggers, vloggers and content creators, and will from time to time, write articles, take pictures, and make videos for hire. If the terms of use permit, you might find that content, or a link to that content on our website. That content will always be clearly marked.

If we are provided gear, access to activities, or any other promotional material and it makes it onto our website, we will always let you know. We like to think that our opinion of what we do, where we go, and what gear we use is not influenced by free stuff or swag. We like to think that we are honest brokers; that you can trust us to tell it like it is. But, you can be the judge of that.