Category: Journeys

  • Pure Prairie Love

    Pure Prairie Love

    Moving east to west along US HWY 2, Wisconsin is a fun date with the popular crowd. The night is filled with laughter and root beer soda floats. North Dakota, on the other hand, is date you went on as a favor to your best friend. It cannot end soon enough. Montana is a love…

  • War in Havre on the Hi-Line

    War in Havre on the Hi-Line

    In 1862, Congress opened up the west by “giving away” 160 acres to anyone who could live on it for five years. Driving across the Hi-Line it is obvious that no one in Congress then (or now) has any idea of what they are doing. 160 acres is so little land out on the Hi-Line…

  • Spotlights on the Hi-Line

    Spotlights on the Hi-Line

    Montana is different from its North Dakota neighbor. The highway changes from four lanes to two. Pump jacks disappear and big sky opens up overhead. Moving west on US Route 2, we are truly on the Hi-Line where vast expanses of wheat colored fields are peppered with tiny towns of aging silos, Indian Reservations, bar/casino/convenience…

  • Fly Like a Demon

    Fly Like a Demon

    Tenters get the best spots at North Dakota’s Lewis and Clark State Park. Perched on the bluff above Lake Sakakawea, towering buttes and rolling hills on a mixed grass prairie overlook smooth and shimmering slate blue water. It was a quiet Sunday afternoon relaxing among the color changing trees and exploring the private path down…

  • Pure Prairie People

    Pure Prairie People

    Maybe all you know about life on the prairie is from listening Garrison Keillor’s long running NPR show, “A Prairie Home Companion.” Some may say it’s one of the strangest things broadcast over-the-air. Honestly, it is an acquired taste, like full fat milk. The Hi-Line runs through Keillor country. Bands of people huddle in towns…

  • Livin’ the Hi-Line

    Livin’ the Hi-Line

    Two thousand miles north of Bradenton, FL, we have finally arrived at the eastern origin of U.S. Route 2 called the Hi-Line. The Hi-Line connects the northern most cities in the continental U.S., including North Dakota and Montana. It more of a journey than a destination. On a seventies day in September, monster thunderstorms flooded…

  • Sheboygan, W!

    Sheboygan, W!

    There’s a word that we use that essentially means, “DRATS,” or “OH, Darn,” that is a nod to a funny mishap or an absurd turn of events. We don’t know if we heard it somewhere or if we made it up. But wanting to keep heading North, we looked at the map and jinxed on…

  • Louisville Sluggers

    Louisville Sluggers

    When Eric got the $5/month “we want you back” letter from Sirius XM radio, Sheri said road trip! Escape hot hurricane humidity. Find better weather and check out different landscapes. After a month tenting through the California Desert in April, we sold Roxie (3 years and 20,000 miles in a fifth wheel) and went shopping…

  • Knot your average 10T-iversary

    Knot your average 10T-iversary

    According to the The Knot, a website dedicated to all things wedding, the traditional gift for 10 years of marriage is made from tin or aluminum. Pliable yet strong, these materials represent the flexibility that comes with a long-lasting relationship. We suggest they add 30 days of nomadic tent camping to the approved gift list…