Author: Sheric

  • Balboa Park Culture Club

    Balboa Park Culture Club

    In the words of Culture Club’s Boy George, “Do you really want to hurt me? Do you you really want to make me cry?”  Then buy me the 7 day, 16 museum Balboa Park Explorer Pass.  Signs and banners everywhere extoll the ONE PASS for all 16 museums. If the signs don’t convince you, the…

  • My Way or the Highway?

    My Way or the Highway?

    The I-8 cuts San Diego in half with its 12 lanes of high-speed traffic.  Each day we search for roads (other than QualComm Blvd} that cross this highway without it being a white knuckle adventure. Most of the time, however, we are depending on hand signals, the yellow vest and yelling to navigate traffic at the…

  • Kwaay Paay it Forward

    Kwaay Paay it Forward

    After 10 days of biking, hiking and touring San Diego our bodies feel the use. It’s not really aches and pains. Sore hasn’t set in and deterred us from activity. We don’t know the right word, but it’s the aftermath of exerting energy beyond our comfort zone and feeling it all over. Hobbling is involved,…

  • Viva Fortuna!

    Viva Fortuna!

    We’ve finally adjusted to west coast time, coffee at 6:30, dayplanning til 7:30, rewiring the electrical circuits by 8:30. Betty has a curious lighting design – a mix of undercounter and decorative fixture halogens, fluorescent industrials and incandescent spots. 18 lights in an 8×14 room. For most people, on and off works. For us, finding…

  • West Coast Chillin’

    West Coast Chillin’

    Sometimes we have to remind ourselves that we are not on vacation – just full-time livin’ in an RV. Fourteen days into our west coast expedition and we could only count one day of downtime where we weren’t hiking, biking or accumulating some write-worthy experience, and that was the day it rained. Even though it…

  • Voy a La Jolla

    Voy a La Jolla

    La Jolla is 90 minutes and 20 miles as the Como flies so it was surprising when Eric said, “Let’s go to La Jolla today.” But, with an ebike everything within about a 25 mile radius is within our reach. From Baker, that may not get you to LA, but it covers all of San…

  • Howl Now, Brown Cowles

    Howl Now, Brown Cowles

    With seven days left at Admiral Baker and the likelihood that we will not soon return to the Mission Gorge neighborhood, we’ve decided to slay the east side, starting with a 4.3 mile hike to the 1,593 foot highest point in San Diego, with views from Mexico to Orange County. Eric mapped this entirely uphill…

  • Biking Balboa

    Biking Balboa

    Jeff stopped by this morning and dropped off the dimmer switches for Eric’s hot- halogen-under-counter-spots to low-power-bright-LED lighting renovation along with a new gas regulator for the grill. It seems the fixer can always get his fix, even when the address reads “The Pace Arrow in site #9. With the weather shaping up to be…

  • Old Town Shuffle

    Old Town Shuffle

    Now that we had a two wheeled perspective on getting around in San Diego, it was time for the two feet and a trolley view. Eric mapped out a walk-ride route to Old Town San Diego State Historic Park with lunch at former Navy mess hall, Liberty Public Market. It was the first no rain…

  • San Diego Hill Street Blues

    San Diego Hill Street Blues

    San Diego, geographically, is three Philadelphias with about the same population. Situated between the Pacific Ocean and the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, Admiral Baker RV Park sits in Mission Gorge, near the city’s eastern border hills. While we got excited and biked to PB on Tuesday, we thought it would be interesting to check…