Category: Post-COVID Shutdown 2022

  • It’s the Flux Capacitor, Marty

    It’s the Flux Capacitor, Marty

    How do you make camping in Elephant Butte, watching bad TV and lamenting a stopover in the town of Truth or Consequences worse? Here’s an idea. Have parts in your roof top air conditioner explode. It will delight your senses with a loud bang similar to a gunshot and a foul smell of burning electrical…

  • Hello there! Truth or Consequences has been waiting for you.

    Hello there! Truth or Consequences has been waiting for you.

    There is a small town in New Mexico nestled alongside the Rio Grande river where hot mineral geothermal springs naturally flow up from the ground. North of the town, a damn holds back the river and forms a large lake for refreshing water recreation in the middle of the desert environment. Sounds a bit like…

  • Hatching a Plan

    Hatching a Plan

    Fire evacuation banners run on the bottom of every over-the-air TV station in New Mexico. Statewide burn bans have yellow caution tape covering every fire ring and charcoal grill at the campgrounds. Calf Canyon is epicenter of the burn, 300 miles northeast of us near Las Vegas, New Mexico. The closest we plan to get…

  • Party like a Thunderbird

    Party like a Thunderbird

    Birthday 2022 is 55/60 for Sheri and Eric and 75 for the United States Air Force. Unlike us, they seem excited about getting older, throwing themselves a blowout on the ramp this weekend with some serious American Airpower on display. It’s hard to believe the Air Force is 75, considering Army, Navy and Marines are…

  • White Sands 3 Ways

    White Sands 3 Ways

    For 86 years, the sugar white gypsum sand dunes near Alamogordo, New Mexico were happy to be designated a National Monument. Sometime in 2019, language got inserted into the 2019 Defense Act and Boom! White Sands got its upgrade to National Park. That’s how congress works. With the right influence, you can get a new…

  • Cinco de Taco in Space

    Cinco de Taco in Space

    Sitting high above the town of Alamogordo in the foothills of the Sacramento Mountains is a cathedral to the genius of the men and women who designed and built the rockets that flew man into space. This cathedral is disguised as the New Mexico Museum of Space History. Five stories of sleek gold glass enshrines…

  • Alamolocal


    In the eight days we’ve been hanging out in Alamogordo, NM, we’ve been more active in this town than we’d been in the past 8 months in our Florida hometown. Why is that? Does the house have to be less than 200 square feet to force us out and about? We drove a freshly washed,…

  • Aloft in Cloudcroft

    Aloft in Cloudcroft

    The most direct route from Carlsbad, NM to Alamogordo, NM is to climb straight up one side of the Sacramento Mountains and descend straight down the other. Scenic Highway 82 does just that, climbing over 4,000 feet out of the Permian Basin before falling the same amount to the White Sands. When you are pulling…

  • Express Yourself in Alamogordo

    Express Yourself in Alamogordo

    Our current adventuring wardrobe is strictly function over fashion, a random conglomeration of mismatched gear, perfect for getting the job done but not looking great doing it. Duds. Thrifting our way through small southwestern towns, we’ve been acquiring one western essential at a time and in the process, trying on a new vibe. At first…

  • Fan Camp

    Fan Camp

    The young man with the automatic weapon stated more than asked, “Do you consent to a full inspection of the vehicle and all of its compartments?” Sounded okay to us as two security personnel poked their way through our camping gear in the bed of the truck. If you spent a large portion of your…